I have never paid much mind to this day. 13 is a lucky number for us it is Dani's birthday. But today- oh no the horror! While making myself a lovely cup of afternoon tea, Delaney decided to jump off the sofa and straight into the coffee table. Heart pounding I tried to assess the damage through the copious amounts of blood pouring out of her head. Off to emergency we raced! Luckily for us there was only about an hour and a half wait before we saw the doc! She definitly needed stitches, but luckily for us he used the super glue! So no pain, no more tears and a great war injury to talk about. I on the other hand am still shaking. Neither of my kids have been to emergency and I really don't want to have to go there anytime soon. I am just glad that she is okay and that a little blood is all we lost. Happy friday the 13th...
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