This is one of my favourite websites. It is a live camera at a watering hole in South Africa. It is a great site, I usually call it up when I get to work and listen to the sounds as it is night time over there and I cannot see much! I have yet to see any big game, but still just love the sounds. Africa is so loud- but it is amazing.
I have to have noise all around me, perhaps that is what happens when you grow up in Africa. I have the TV on or music or something on at all times. It is not like I am watching TV all the time, but I like the noise of it if I am at home during the day. Anyway as I was sitting here with the dryer tumbling (jeans with very loud buttons), the TV on and the live cam, I realized how noisy my life is! Well I hope you enjoy this webcam as much as I do.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Friday the 13th

I have never paid much mind to this day. 13 is a lucky number for us it is Dani's birthday. But today- oh no the horror! While making myself a lovely cup of afternoon tea, Delaney decided to jump off the sofa and straight into the coffee table. Heart pounding I tried to assess the damage through the copious amounts of blood pouring out of her head. Off to emergency we raced! Luckily for us there was only about an hour and a half wait before we saw the doc! She definitly needed stitches, but luckily for us he used the super glue! So no pain, no more tears and a great war injury to talk about. I on the other hand am still shaking. Neither of my kids have been to emergency and I really don't want to have to go there anytime soon. I am just glad that she is okay and that a little blood is all we lost. Happy friday the 13th...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Seeing red!

I am into the 4th week of Rhonna's challenge and it happens to coincide nicely with my happy scrapping. I was about a year behind in photos when I discovered this digital thing. I had no room to spread out all my papers and stamps etc. So I started doing all digital pages. Needless to day it is now incredibly difficult to pull out the paper and glue. Having said that I am still a few months behind in 2006 photos. I am currently scraping my Xmas photos which is a tad difficult to do when spring is in the air. But I desperately have to finish 2006 before we head to Maui next week, otherwise I will be 100's of photos richer and oh so far behind in the scrapbook department! I just printed 44 12 x12 digital pages last week and they are mostly of last summer; my girls have opened that album every day and giggled over the pages- it makes this scrapbooking thing all the more worth while.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
The tooth!

Dani has this top tooth which she will not let me pull. I have tried bribery, coercion and all to no avail. She will not let me pull that tooth for anything. It looks awful, I keep telling her she looks like Nanny Mcphee and she does not like that one bit! It is gross, tonight I had to cut her food into strips so that she could chew it out of the corner of her mouth- otherwise it bleeds all over every time she bites something (sorry too much info I know!) Mind you once it is gone she is going to have a hard time chewing much of anything as there is no sign off the other top tooth and she lost that baby tooth some time ago.
I should just sit back and let it fall out-there is no rush! I cannot believe that my baby is getting her adult teeth. Where does the time go?
Monday, April 02, 2007
Green Eggs & Ham- or Apples anyway!

What a great weekend it turned out to be! We were supposed to have 2 weekends in a row of soccer, but due to a washout last weekend we had a 1 weekend mini tournament. Dani has come so far in the last 2 years it is great to see her out on the field. All the girls are great, they can actually chase the ball, turn it around and get some kicks on goal. What a difference from last years "swarm ball" where they all just followed each other around.
A colourful weekend

I was feeling rather "bright" this weekend so I thought I would use this great kit that I downloaded from Two Peas last month. It is rather delicious looking and matched Delaney's jacket quite well. These were photos taken at the end of last summer. Just when I think I am getting ahead in the scrapping department along comes a weekend of activities, that I had to take photos of, that puts me at least 140 photos behind. (okay who am I kidding I love scrapbooking :)
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