My sister just had a new baby-and he is adorable! I love everything about new babies, the way they smell, the way they cry and the way the nuzzle into you. Oh I miss those days. Coming home today from daycare with 2 kids that don't stop whinning from the moment I pick them up to the moment they go to bed; I sure miss those days of helplessness. My 2 girls have grown so fast and so much in the last 5 years I cannot believe they were once that tiny. It is amazing to think in 2 and a half years Delaney went from this tiny 5lb11ounce bundle to a walking, talking, whinning machine. Those first few years are crazy busy, but it was fun.
Oh well, no more for me, I have no idea how I would handle more than 2. So I guess I will sit back and enjoy all the new babies that are about to be born (sigh)!
Mmmmm. Yummy baby!
I miss the new-baby days, but only sometimes. They're much more interesting (read: annoying) now. LOL
I also miss those days SOMETIMES- but I love it when their personalities start to shine through!
CONGRATS to yer sistah!! I hope that everything went well for her and the baby... you didn't divulge a name!!
AWWW!! I am going to have one of those in months!!!! -all crossables crossed-
It will be so amazing 6 months from now, comparing stories. How cool is that?
They named him Lachlan, He is a cutie!!!
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