How come the weeds in my yard grow so much faster than the flowers??
When we bought our house 2 years ago I was so excited about the huge back garden- there was so much potential for lovely flower beds- like I had in my towhouse.(I realize now my townhouse garden was 2 foot by 3 foot- so small and easy to maintain!) Now all I seem to do is pull weeds- honest. I go outside just to chuck the garbage and I pull a few weeds- go outside to get the laundry (yes my laundry room is outside under the stairs-sigh!!) and I pull weeds. Last month we had a landscaper come and level off the backyard and returf- while he was there I got him to eliminate some flower beds around the house and he put river rock all the way around the foundation- boy does it look nice- and no weeds. Hmmm maybe I should just rock the whole yard- I used to think people who did that were weird- but I now see this as a good thing.
I do love the flowers but oh all the work to get those blooms- did I mention the bugs??
that is a beautiful pic.. you should do a photo essay of what you have done in the backyard!!
FYI best place to buy plants cheap is at the Cloverdale Flea Market if you can get there realy early in the morning.. call me for tips!
Hey- yeah I have been a few times- the singer in Frank's band owns a green house and he saves lots of stuff for me. They are at the market every Sunday.
we have probably bought stuff from them too!!
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