Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday in Paradise

Friday we woke up to another gorgeous sunny day- ahh what to do- lets go to the beach!  We packed up ourselves and headed over to a beach that Ayessha said would be nice and calm- Kawela Bay!  we parked a the fruit stands and headed in- a huge banyon tree was a few feet in from the road. We walked to the amazing beach and marked our spot in the sand.  Wow!  the beach and water- stunning.  we layer around and then went into the water- we spent maybe and hour just soaking up the waves.   We saw some huge army planes landing too- they were very large.
After a few amazing, relaxing hours we went into Haleiwa in search of lunch.  Frank and I settled on fish tacos and the girls a hole hotdog- yummy!  Then we were back at the house to see the girls home from school.
Later we had to wait for Anne and Wes to get home as they had spent the day in Honolulu- they took too long so we headed into Haleiwa for Thai food dinner- they eventually caught up with us.
Wes and Ayessha took the girls all home for movies and Chocolate Haupia Cream Pie.  We went with Anne to Jameson's to meet her pilot friends for drinks!  Another day in paradise.

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