Monday, July 22, 2013

The wall

Saturday we had intended to wake up early and walk the ancient wall that surrounds Dubrovnik. We wanted to beat the heat and the crowds. The only thing we managed to do was beat the crowds- as there weren't any.  We got to the wall and it was already hot- but up we went! We had entered the North or Buza gate and climbed straight up to the first turret - what a view.  All before us were red clay roofs- apparently 2/3 of these were destroyed during the 1990's war.  So the majority of the roofs are bright and new.  We continued along the wall- with a little breeze to cool us- the view constantly changing.  We quickly came upon a fruit juice cafe (of course you would find such a thing in the ancient walls!) That was refreshing!  We continued on and eventually came to the seaward side- we thought this would be cooler- but the wall is higher here and so no breeze.  Eventually we were greeted with gorgeous ocean views.  It took us just under 2 hours to walk the wall- which Delaney reckons must be double the length of the Great Wall of China!!

We made our way back to the apartment and a late sandwich lunch.  Relaxing a bit and cooling down- it was beach time!
Floatie and goggles in hand we ran across the street outside (the apartment opens up straight onto the road and a blind corner!) and over to the beach. The girls played for about 2.5 hours in the water - I floated for about an hour out in the gorgeous water. Back to the apartment, wash all the salt off of our bodies and into town for dinner. I had read a few reviews at the apartment about a great little place called Lady Pipi.  Heading off into town we were in search of this taverna.  One always has to hope that you are heading in the right direction as there are no street or alley names when you need them.  We knew we had to enter and then go up the steep stairs to the alley closest to the wall- up we went, and up and up!  Sweating we arrived at the taverna to be greeted with a line up. Guess everyone had heard about how good it was.  We decided to wait as we had nowhere to be. After about an hour we were seated up on the terrace overlooking the city- wow.  Frank and I ordered the fish plate to share- they cooked all our food on the open grill on the terrace- it smelt so good and we were starving.  Our platter was huge- sea bass, tuna, squid, mussels and prawns!  Frank and I demolished it :)
outside apartment

getting ready to climb up high

and higher still!

Lady Pipi I presume?!!!

After this amazing dinner (it was worth the wait!) we rolled down the stairs and to the sight of Dubrovnik at night- we strolled the main street and Frank and the girls had their ice cream (I had NO room!) and then it was home to bed as we had an early morning the Monday.

my yatch in the front there!!!

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