Wow, now that I have created, and printed all 55 Maui pages I am so far behind in my scrapbooking. This is probably because I have to take photos at every waking moment. Frank always laments that we don't do enough family activities-well you only have to look at my photos to know that is not true. I thought that we had a not too busy summer until I browsed through the almost 1000 photos I have taken so far!!! Damn that is a lot of memories. I am still scrapping last Xmas- so somebody stop me from taking anymore photos. Nah- not gonna happen. But the photos aside we have had a great summer- what with 4 family getaways and tons of local activities. I cannot believe that the kids go back to school in a week- wow. I think it is time though- my girls are at each others throats! Ahh the lazy (???) days of summer.
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