What a great Halloween we had this year. It sure was chill but so nice out. I didn't like the fact that I had to work this year- only the second Halloween I have had to work - with kids around that is. (Did I ever mention that I love not working Mondays and Fridays). But anyway we were up early, Delaney for once actually wore the outfit that I put out for her!! She went as a little witch - her day outfit. Then came home and changed into her Mini Mouse outfit for trick or treating. Danica was a black cat- both morning and night. I missed the parade at school which sucked as all the kids look so "cute" in their outfits.
Frank got to take the girls out t or t'ing as I had to hand out candies (if I left it to Frank - he would hand out 6 at a time and I would run out and then my house would be egged or something like that!!!). But handing out 2-3 candies per kid I still ran out and I had 250 chocolate bars! The streets around here were buzzing- it is a great time of year.
I was so happy so see my little niece and nephew too - they popped over for the "photo shoot". It is so nice to see my sister, Nat, happy. It has been 6 years this Halloween gone by and the smiles are back. (Graham you are in our hearts, and thoughts always.)