What a city we live in. The weather today was outstanding. We spent the day at the Pumpkin patch and it was incredible. We could have (and many were) worn just t-shirts today. The down side is that half of the GVRD was at the Patch, but there were more than enough pumpkins to go around. What fun. I love that we get to do these fun activities with our girls and know that before long they will be turning their button noses up at the prospect of a pumpkin patch-sigh! But it is awesome to ingrain these memories into their heads now- we can only hope that it will make them nicer teenagers.
Dani had such a busy weekend. 2 birthday parties and a sleepover at friends. Frank & I had to go to a function for his work and all I can say is it is great to have good friends. A couple that we have become great friends with looked after the girls. Our kids are all the same age and at school/preschool together. We are so lucky to have found them they are awesome and it is so nice to know that there are people you can rely on in life.
It has been a week of blessings I guess!