I get to sit down and post. Where does the time go?? I have 4 days a week off- 4! But before I know it, it is time to go back to work on Tuesdays. I spend Fridays recovering from the week and picking up the disarray of stuff scattered around my house. Friday night I am out for the count - usually in front of the TV- by 10pm (at the latest). Since I have been running (yes I am still there- running 3 times a week for the last 9 weeks!!!!!!) I am so exhausted it is not funny. This last Saturday my DH managed to take the kids for 4 hours while I cleaned the house- woohoo- just the way anyone wants to spend a Saturday. Then I went to Karen's shower- which was awesome. It was so great to see her so happy- that was fun. The sitting on my ass for 4 hours was great too. Sunday I had to wake up and go for a run- the longest I have run thus far. My muscles are still retaliating this morning!! I also decided that Sunday was a great night to have my family over for dinner, so I had to cook for 10ish people (the kids are the "ish") that is once again a fun thing to spend your Sunday doing- especially since I cannot stand from the 1 hour run that morning!!!!! By Sunday night at 9pm that was me- done like the dinner I had just cooked. I tried to stay up to finish that damn book ( A million little pieces) but I still don't like it and trying to read something I don't like when I am so tired- obviously is not going to work! SO here I find myself Monday - once again tidying up (story of my life) and doing laundry, only to have to start my week all over again. I have done nothing I wanted to do and am still tired and (sigh) I give up!!!!
Oh wait a moment I did get ONE thing done- I mastered how to use the photoshop brushes on my computer to enhance my photos (see attached of Dani!!!)